Digital Ocean APIv2 in chef-provisioning
,Digital Ocean is sunsetting api v1 on November 9th. It’s taken a while, but @geemus released support in fog v1.35.0
I was able to take that work and update chef-provisioning-fog which we can now use to chef-provision on digital ocean after next week.
The branch is at ii/chef-provisioning-fog apiv2
Run chef-client -z my_do_server.rb
on the following ruby:
with_driver 'fog:DigitalOcean', compute_options: {
digitalocean_token: ENV['DOTOKEN']
# digitalocean_api_key: 'V1_DEPRECATED',
# digitalocean_client_id: 'V1_DEPRECATED',
# Adding compute_options here seems broken ^^^^
# so make sure and add driver_options to knife.rb
# put this in knife.rb
#knife[:digital_ocean_access_token] = ENV['DOTOKEN']
#driver_options compute_options: {digitalocean_token: ENV['DOTOKEN']}
with_machine_options bootstrap_options: {
image_distribution: 'Ubuntu',
image_name: '14.04 x64',
region_name: 'New York 3',
flavor_name: '2GB'
tags: {
'ii' => 'lovesyou'
with_chef_server '',
:client_name => Chef::Config[:node_name],
:signing_key_filename => Chef::Config[:client_key]
machine ''